Explorers (14 - 18 year olds)
The Explorers meet on Friday evenings 7.30 pm to 9.15 pm in the Scout Hut.
The unit currently has over a dozen young people aged between 14 to 18. Explorer Scouts are encouraged to lead themselves, design their own programme and work towards the top awards that scouting has to offer. Explorer Scouts also have the opportunity to be part of the Young Leaders' Scheme which develops their leadership skills and sense of responsibility. Many of our Explorers help to run meetings for our younger sections.
Interested in joining? Click here
Interested in volunteering as an adult? Click here

Explorers is run on a Friday evening, by Explorer leader John Lawry.
These are the highest awards you can earn during your time in Explorers. Click on the badges to view the reqirements to achieve the badge.
To view the activity badges click here