Fun Day 24th April 2022
Thank you to all who attended and volunteered at the Fun Day on 24th April, which had the aim of providing free activities for children to enjoy, whilst giving the adults a chance to find out more about what is going on with the hut renovation work. The children had opportunities to make bird feeders and wands, design their dream Scout Hut, play outdoor games, do a scavenger hunt - and, the perennial Scout favourite, make armpit fudge! Plenty of buns and cakes were available to enjoy, too. The Scout Group’s executive committee members were on hand to talk to and explain what can be done to help raise funds. You can read further about them here below, we encourage everyone to sign up for EasyFundraising and AmazonSmile as well as considering joining our Lottery.
The toilets were high on everyone’s list of things that we need to improve, so we have decided to prioritise getting them replaced next, along with getting some structural work done in the same part of the building.
