Next on the refurbishment agenda: The toilets
From all the feedback we’ve had from children, parents and leaders, these were clearly the top priority for the vast majority of people! We have had plans drawn up free of charge, thanks to architect Peter Lindley-Hughes at S11 Architecture, and whilst we wait for detailed quotes from our builders, we’re asking all of the children and young people in the Group to see what they can do to help us raise funds over the summer holidays. From sponsored silences to bake sales, garden parties to Smartie tubes filled with coins, we’re encouraging them to do whatever they can to help us raise money towards replacing the toilets. Every penny raised will count towards a new tap, sink, toilet or tile! If you know anyone in the Group, please consider sponsoring them or donating if they do something to raise funds - we will be very grateful. Further information on ways to support us are given below.
