Project Scout Hut
For 4 days of the week, should you happen to pass the door of our scout hut on Aldam Road in Totley, you will hear laughter and the sound of young people having fun. This is the home of 215th Sheffield (1st Totley) Scout Group. Over 100 young people come through our door on a weekly basis, their ages ranging between 6 and 18 years old. We run 4 sections:
A Beaver Colony
2 Cub Packs
A Scout Troop
An Explorer Unit
For the last 73 years we have taught traditional Scouting skills to boys and, for the last 26 years, to girls as well. We are a thriving and growing group who has seen it's numbers increase year upon year.

We have been using our current scout hut for over 30 years and it was a second hand building when it was taken over by us. The scout hut is now showing it's age and is becoming in need of serious repair work. The time has therefore come for us to look at having to replace, and modernise, our current scout hut so that we can keep scouting alive in Totley for many more years to come. The young people in our group have been instrumental in helping to design a modern and environmentally friendly building that serves the needs of our group and the young people that come to use it's facilities. This of course all comes at a price and so the serious business of raising funds has now begun.
We have a fundraising page at My Donate ( and will be holding many fundraising events in the near future. We appreciate and are very grateful for any donations and support we recieve. Please look out for more details for more fundraising events in the near future.