Co-op Local Community Fund

Our Group is currently raising money to fund the building of a new Scout Hut. Our Group is home to over 100 young people every week, providing a wide variety of Scouting activities and experiences for young people in our Community. Sadly our current building is now over 30 years old and was second hand when we took it over. It is now, most definitely, on it's last legs and we are in desperate need of a new building.
We were very excited last November to learn that our Scout Group had been chosen as one of the causes to benefit from the Co-op Local Community Fund. What this means for us is that Co-op Members can choose our Group to to benefit from the fund, when Members buy Co-op branded products and services, the Co-op will give 1% to a local cause. By choosing us as your local cause that 1% will benefit our Group directly.
If you are already a Co-op Member you can choose our cause by logging into your Co-op Membership Account and selecting 215th Sheffield (1st Totley) Scout Group from the list. If you aren't already a Co-op Member it is very easy to join, just log onto the website at and you will be guided through the process.
So far we have raised a fantastic £408.26 from the fund. All the money we raise from the Co-op Local Community Fund will go directly towards our new Scout Hut project. Please support out Group by choosing us as your local cause and help the young people in our Community to keep on enjoying the experiences that Scouting to offer.